Part of my job is to pass comment on "The Culture." That encompasses any kind of entertainment (though naturally with a strong emphasis on the stuff that entertains me) as well as issues relating to education, style and fashion, popular intellectual fads, and so on. Nostalgia pieces, which I am regrettably prone to, also come in here.
Date | Place | Title | Topic |
2015 | |||
July 2, 2015 | Taki's Magazine | Don't Sup with a FUP | Drink tea with the bourgeoisie. |
June 18, 2015 | Taki's Magazine | Nothing Is Real | A half-baked theory. |
May 28, 2015 | Taki's Magazine | Follow Heart Whatever Desire | Turning seventy. |
May 21, 2015 | Taki's Magazine | Nye Lied, I Sighed | You should see me in a thong. |
May 7, 2015 | Taki's Magazine | The Case for Natural Stupidity | Fending off the robocalypse. |
April 16, 2015 | Taki's Magazine | Cops and Robbers | Good cop, bad cop. |
April 2, 2015 | Taki's Magazine | A Civilization Steeped in Dishonesty | Groveling to the Homintern. |
March 26, 2015 | Taki's Magazine | The Nerdcom | In which our author watches a TV show. |
March 19, 2015 | Taki's Magazine | Quote, Unquote | Wind your watch, check your quotations. |
March 12, 2015 | Taki's Magazine | Hysteria, Bad Taste, and a Loss for Oklahoma | Why is bad taste a hanging offense? |
February 26, 2015 | Taki's Magazine | The Future of Girlification | Back to the Paleolithic? |
February 12, 2015 | Taki's Magazine | If You Were Curious … | FAQs. |
January 22, 2015 | Taki's Magazine | The Tyranny of the Bookish | And the poor souls trapped in Book Hell. |
2014 | |||
December 11, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | Derbyshire's Desert Island | Eight songs, a book, and a luxury. |
October 23, 2014 | VDARE | Opera Notes | Tolerance, Multiculturalism, Immigration — And Toreadors |
October 23, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | The Optimistic Column | Always look on the bright side. |
September 4, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | Alaska Diary | Visiting the Last Frontier. |
July 31, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | Red Pill Blues | The ups and downs of Depressive Realism. |
July 24, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | Sorry, Ladies: The Great Chain of CultMarx | Who? Whom? |
July 10, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | One Cheer for Meritocracy | Orwell and Waugh: the same man? |
June 26, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | Of Meth and Men | Breaking Bad. |
June 12, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | Shame's Cathedral | Visiting the 9/11 memorial & museum. |
May 29, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | Reason is Racism, Ignorance Is Strength | Debate debased. |
May 22, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | Confessions of a Middlebrow | Wading for clams. |
April 3, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | This I Believe | An exercise in clarification. |
March 27, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | Goodnight, Little Jim | 101 improving gems. |
February 13, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | Baby Steps Towards Race Realism | PC won't last for ever. |
January 30, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | Dark Thoughts | Some British hacks discover the Dissident Right. |
January 23, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | Give Grass a Pass | Let 'em smoke it if they want to. |
January 9, 2014 | Taki's Magazine | You Rang, Sir? | Why do people like Downton Abbey? |
2013 | |||
December 5, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | Meet the Techintern | Will they secede? |
November 14, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | Seven Hours in Coach | Come fly with me. |
November 7, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | When the Military Pushed Back | Thd Curragh Mutiny remembered. |
October 24, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | A Harangue About Slang | Language is, like, the dress of thought, innit? |
October 17, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | A Whining Pretension to Goodness | Clear your mind of cant. |
September 19, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | The Lost Art of Stasis | Don't just do something — sit there! |
September 5, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | The Cruelty of the Overclass | Vae victis. |
June 27, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | The Cold Civil War Grinds On | Some current skirmishes. |
June 13, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | The Sexual Harassment Panic | Mars and Venus. |
May 30, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | Three's a Charm | 1953, 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993, 2003, 2013, … |
May 23, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | Cultural Marxism Demands a Sacrifice | The appalling case of Frank Borzellieri. |
May 16, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | Ideological Castration | Civilization's front line troops desert their posts. |
May 2, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | Where the Men Are | Chicks who dig psychopaths. |
April 25, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | Boston Bombing Footnotes | Ironies, coincidences, and historical echoes. |
March 27, 2013 | VDARE | Homosexual
Marriage: Could the Pendulum Swing Back? |
You can't second-guess history. |
March 14, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | Plus Ça Change | Things don't change much, until they do. |
February 21, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | The Book: An Elegy | We won't burn books; we'll just forget about them. |
January 31, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | Spare a Thought
for the Late Abandoners. |
Pry my KEDIT from my cold dead hands. |
January 24, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | One World, One Song | My pitch for the 2017 Inauguration. |
January 10, 2013 | Taki's Magazine | Sectionalism, Then and Now | An American invariant. |
2012 | |||
December 20, 2012 | Taki's Magazine | Grief, Chaos, and Silence | Responding to a massacre. |
November 29, 2012 | VDARE | Keeping Up With The Dark Enlightenment |
My Google Reader roll. |
September 27, 2012 | Taki's Magazine | A Day at the Opera | Absurd, but enchanting. |
September 20, 2012 | Taki's Magazine | Heavy Petting | The sure sign of a rational being. |
August 30, 2012 | Taki's Magazine | Eat the Rich? | Nah — just the politicians. |
August 15, 2012 | VDARE | My Future As a Zek | I contemplate life in the camps. |
August 9, 2012 | Taki's Magazine | Si Jeunesse Savait, Si Vieillesse Pouvait | Getting things done. |
August 2, 2012 | Taki's Magazine | Pathologies of Our Peculiar Age | The 2012 Olympics opening ceremony. |
July 19, 2012 | Taki's Magazine | Things Fall Apart | Or if they don't, we can take them apart. |
June 7, 2012 | Taki's Magazine | Embracing Unemployment | As jobs disappear. |
May 31, 2012 | Taki's Magazine | Napoleon Dynamite | A vision on the Jericho Turnpike. |
May 24, 2012 | Taki's Magazine | Going Out With a
Bang Instead of a Whimper |
I will not wear diapers. |
May 16, 2012 | VDARE | Derb — The Gift That Keeps On Giving! | This show will run and run. |
May 10, 2012 | Taki's Magazine | Ridding Myself of the Day | The age of distraction. |
May 3, 2012 | VDARE | The Kindness of Strangers | And a modest tithing. |
March 22, 2012 | Taki's Magazine | My Mother the Nurse | A centenary. |
March 15, 2012 | Taki's Magazine | When Sci-Fi Dared to Dream | Growing up in the Golden Age. |
2011 | |||
December 29, 2011 | Taki's Magazine | The Year in the Rear-View | That was the year that was. |
December 1, 2011 | Taki's Magazine | Life at the Bottom | The bungled and botched. |
November 17, 2011 | Taki's Magazine | Warming Up to the Sunshine State | With the help of Salvador Dalí. |
October 6, 2011 | Taki's Magazine | Is the Present Better Than the Past? | Yes, with qualifications. |
August 15, 2011 | National Review | The Failing of the Fishwrap | Will your breakfast newspaper meet the News of the World in oblivion? |
July 21, 2011 | Taki's Magazine | What Shall We Do With the Kids? | Repeal child-labor laws! |
July 14, 2011 | Taki's Magazine | How D'Ya Like Them Apples? | Another skirmish in the Forever War. |
June 30, 2011 | Taki's Magazine | You're Not Supposed to Notice | Striving to be a good American. |
June 16, 2011 | Taki's Magazine | Wishing I'd Played the Ponies | Just to keep 'em going. |
February 24, 2011 | Taki's Magazine | Make Love, Not War | Castrating the military. |
2010 | |||
December 8, 2010 | Taki's Magazine | The Virtue of Selective Mourning | Who loves ya? |
December 1, 2010 | Taki's Magazine | The Pleasures of Travel | Pat me down, please. |
November 3, 2010 | Taki's Magazine | It's That Man Again | The one with the Charlie Chaplin moustache. |
October 27, 2010 | Taki's Magazine | Reading the New York Times | So you don't have to. |
October 20, 2010 | Taki's Magazine | The Solipsism of John Edgar Wideman | Black black blackety black. |
September 8, 2010 | Taki's Magazine | Still Bowling Alone | Robert Putnam's hopes (mostly) dashed. |
August 27, 2010 | NRO | Race to Nowhere | Tear down that school! |
August 18, 2010 | Taki's Magazine | Lost in Time | Tracking the Zeitgeist. |
July 15, 2010 | NRO | Jobs Americans Should Not Have To Do | Both manual and clerical. |
2009 | |||
July 27, 2009 | Taki's Magazine | Gossipedia | Dealing with Wikipedia. |
May 7, 2009 | NRO | Snow on Mt. Olympus | "Two Cultures," 50 years on. |
February 23, 2009 | The American Conservative | How Radio Wrecks the Right | Where on the air waves is middlebrow conservatism? |
February 14, 2009 | NRO | Love, Love, Love | Romance heads back to the Paleolithic. |
February 2009 | The New Criterion | On Being Translated into Russian | On the pleasures of fellowship at the margins of literary life. |
January 16, 2009 | NRO | Short-changing the Gifted | No more Advanced Placement Italian. |
2008 | |||
July 22, 2008 | NRO | Talking to the Plumber | Living with a cognitive elite. |
February 14, 2008 | NRO | The Mendacity of Hope | He'll do — the case for "settling." |
January 15, 2008 | VDARE | Flashman, Ron Paul, James Kirchick — And Liberty |
Revenge of the geezers. |
2007 | |||
November 20, 2007 | VDARE | Diversity Boot Camp | Indoctrination at Delaware U. |
August 29, 2007 | NRO | When Foreigners Were Funny | They still are, but we can't say so. |
August 2007 | New English Review | Happy Talk | No bad news, please. |
July 9, 2007 | NRO | Lost Eden. | Heinlein's America. |
July 2, 2007 | The American Conservative | Better Dead than Rude. | Thoughts on political correctness. |
May 9, 2007 | NRO | From A to B | The traffic of the world. |
March 1, 2007 | NRO | Mind You Don't Get Zumboed | Passion and solidarity on gun rights. |
February 9, 2007 | NRO | Fly Me to the Moon | Astronaut love triangle. |
January 8, 2007 | NRO | Big Easy | Fleeting impressions of New Orleans. |
2006 | |||
November 27, 2006 | NRO | Well I Never | Never did this, never did that. |
August 23, 2006 | NRO | Rocky Mountains Diary | Derbs do the Rockies. |
July 31, 2006 | NRO | Penny for Your Thoughts | My two cents' worth. |
May 1, 2006 | NRO | Ner's One-Time Revolution | The founder of Playboy turns 80. |
May 2006 | New English Review | The Joy of Vex | A useful word. |
March 9, 2006 | NRO | You Don't Know Jack | Getting to know people(s). |
February 22, 2006 | NRO | The Lotus Eaters | Decline of the American working class. |
2005 | |||
November 23, 2005 | NRO | The Luckiest Generation | A boomer marvels at his luck. |
October 27, 2005 | NRO | Teach Your Children Well | Am I a good parent? |
October 13, 2005 | NRO | Does Anyone Have a Clue? | Not me. |
September 28, 2005 | NRO | Don't Think Twice | An appreciation of Bob Dylan. |
May 25, 2005 | NRO | Pop Culture Is … Nourishing | According to Steven Johnson. |
February 22, 2005 | NRO | Down Among the Diversitoids | I mingle with the pod people. |
January 12, 2005 | NRO | We And They | With charity towards some. |
January 5, 2005 | NRO | A Day in the Life | First "working" day of the year. |
2004 | |||
December 13, 2004 | NRO | Leading Lights | Who are our intellectuals? |
September 22, 2004 | NRO | Dear Derb | Readers write: I respond. |
July 19, 2004 | NRO | Sleepless in Suburbia | In the long dark watches of the night. |
June 21, 2004 | NRO | Derbsday | Move over, James Joyce. |
June 14, 2004 | NRO | The Cant of Our Age | "Bigotry and prejudice," etc. |
March 24, 2004 | NRO | Beyond Tolerance | Derb vs. Peggy |
March 22, 2004 | National Review | The Abolition of Sex | No sex, please, we're British. |
March 4, 2004 | NRO | Calling Down Fire On Your Own Position |
A storm in a "diversity" teacup. |
February 20, 2004 | NRO | The Book of Love | Squishy, Tweety, Froggy, Cozyball, and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. |
January 9, 2004 | NRO | Britney's Wedding — Oh, the Humanity! |
A terrible warning. |
January 6, 2004 | NRO | The Deplorable Words | You know the words I mean. |
2003 | |||
November 10, 2003 | National Review | NASCAR Nation | I go to a stock car race. |
October 24, 2003 | NRO | Alabama Diary (2) | I visit the Cotton State (Part 2). |
October 22, 2003 | NRO | Alabama Diary (1) | I visit the Cotton State (Part 1). |
August 1, 2003 | NRO | The Importance of Not Thinking Too Much |
Analysis paralysis. |
July 10, 2003 | NRO | White Like Me | An exercise in Whiteness Studies. |
July 2, 2003 | NRO | Feelings, Wo Wo Wo Feelings | Let me share. |
June 30, 2003 | National Review | Throw the Bums Out | From "vagrant" to "homeless." |
June 13, 2003 | The New York Sun | Filial Reflections | Father's Day thoughts. |
June 5, 2003 | NRO | Justice Turned Upside Down | Britain's gun laws, and New York's. |
May 22, 2003 | NRO | Journalists Are Scum | And I can prove it. |
May 19, 2003 | NRO | End of the Line | San Francisco's homeless. |
May 5, 2003 | National Review | How Cheap Is Your Manhood? | Warrior envy. |
April 28, 2003 | NRO | The Life | Parents vs. Bohemia |
March 5, 2003 | NRO | Spongebob Squarepants | Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? |
February 21, 2003 | NRO | Children of a Conservative God | Homage to the Bundys. |
February 13, 2003 | NRO | Necessary But Impossible | Things we should do but can't. |
February 11, 2003 | NRO | More Wrestling Than Dancing | What's going on? I haven't a clue. |
February 6, 2003 | NRO | The Last Days? | The end of a golden age. |
January 29, 2003 | NRO | The Old, Weird America | Tribute to Hank Williams. |
January 15, 2003 | NRO | You Heard It Here First | I told you so. |
January 20, 2003 | NRO | Onomastic Diversity | Vollie Mae, meet Dozine. |
2002 | |||
December 24, 2002 | NRO | FAQs 2002 | The things people ask. |
December 21, 2002 | NRO | On Liberty | Is there a road back? |
November 14, 2002 | NRO | The Age of Google | Praise for a search engine. |
November 12, 2002 | NRO | The Law's Delay | Dysfunction in the criminal justice system. |
November 5, 2002 | NRO | That's Not Funny | What makes us laugh. |
October 11, 2002 | NRO | Like An Owl Exploding | The Poet Laureate of New Jersey speaks. |
October 3, 2002 | NRO | Hymn to Western Civ | Things the PC police can't hide. |
October 1, 2002 | NRO | Hate, Horace, and Homer | They say it's OK. |
September 12, 2002 | NRO | Niggling Doubts | The PC word killers … and a point of civility. |
August 2, 2002 | NRO | Unpleasant Truths | You hate to hear them. |
June 18, 2002 | NRO | Outrages of the Week | John Gotti, Jiang Zemin, and Mick Jagger. |
May 24, 2002 | NRO | Better Dead Than Rude | Let's not offend anyone. |
April 8, 2002 | NRO | Excuse Me … | Mind your manners. |
March 8, 2002 | NRO | A Day in the Life | Civilization and its discontents. |
March 1, 2002 | NRO | The Ghoul Impulse | Getting to know the Grim Reaper. |
February 26, 2002 | NRO | The Hidden Hand of EFTA | It's easier for them. |
February 14, 2002 | NRO | Kill Two Cops, Write a Book | A case for capital punishment. |
February 8, 2002 | NRO | Sweet and Sour | Not even Mike Tyson can kill boxing. |
February 7, 2002 | NRO | Caveat Enron | Capitalism, it's wonderful. |
February 5, 2002 | NRO | How Much Has Really Changed? | Since 9/11/01, that is. |
January 28, 2002 | NRO | Minoritarianism | Cure worse than disease. |
January 17, 2002 | NRO | Less Guns, More Crime | Dodge City, UK. |
January 15, 2002 | NRO | Take Me to Your Leader | Leadership, and where to find it. |
January 11, 2002 | NRO | Af-Am Nonsense | Harvard's race problems. |
2001 | |||
December 20, 2001 | NRO | Make Your Yuletide Gay | But watch out for Sodomite patrols! |
December 18, 2001 | NRO | The Pointe of It All | Nuts about the Nutcracker. |
December 17, 2001 | National Review | Studyin' War Some More | Who wants to?. |
December 13, 2001 | NRO | The Nincompoop Prize | Don't know art but know what I like. |
November 28, 2001 | NRO | Making the Grade | Grade inflation at Harvard. |
November 22, 2001 | NRO | Sing, con allegria! | But nobody does any more.. |
November 8, 2001 | NRO | Dreaming for the Whole World | Why is the West so creative? |
October 30, 2001 | NRO | XPect the Worst | Upgrade? Me? Not bloody likely. |
October 23, 2001 | NRO | Emotional Correctness | It's OK to laugh … but at what? |
October 15, 2001 | National Review | At First Glance | The new world of racial profiling. |
October 3, 2001 | NRO | The Other War | Appreciating The New Criterion. |
October 1, 2001 | National Review | Maternal Madness | Honey, I drowned the kids. |
September 28, 2001 | NRO | Pest Control | I kill a rat. |
September 3, 2001 | National Review | Do Tell | The joy of gossip. |
August 28, 2001 | NRO | It's a Woman's World | Males are surplus to requirements. |
August 23, 2001 | NRO | Scribble, Scribble, Scribble | My new novel. |
July 9, 2001 | National Review | Stars Above! | Astrology in the ascendant. |
June 25, 2001 | National Review | Thanks for the Memories | The pleasures of rote learning. |
June 21, 2001 | Taki's Top Drawer | Playing the Flute | Thinking about fellatio. |
June 19, 2001 | NRO | Ma, Ma, Where's My Pa? | Fatherless kids on Father's Day. |
June 11, 2001 | National Review | Situation Normal | I'm normal, you're boring, he's conformist. |
June 7, 2001 | NRO | FAQs | Roundup from my emailbag. |
June 5, 2001 | NRO | The Demon Rum | Lips that touch liquor shall never touch mine. |
May 28, 2001 | National Review | The Problem with "Zero" | Zero tolerance in U.S. schools. |
May 22, 2001 | NRO | A Date with Ally McBeal | I watch TV. |
May 17, 2001 | NRO | Whoever Causes One of These to Sin |
Turning young people into homosexuals. |
May 8, 2001 | NRO | Six of the Best | The case for child-beating. |
May 3, 2001 | NRO | The Pity of War | Who wants to be a soldier? |
April 25, 2001 | The Houston Review | How Perfectly Disgusting | Limits to the acceptance of homosexuality. |
April 24, 2001 | NRO | Linguistically Challenged | Who needs to talk foreign? |
April 16, 2001 | National Review | Is This All We Can Be? | The modern military, and what to do about it. |
March 27, 2001 | NRO | Fund Junoir ROTC | The case for high-school military training. |
March 23, 2001 | NRO | What Kind of Elite Do We Want? | David Brooks meets the meritocrats. |
March 13, 2001 | NRO | Lessons From an Asian Yugoslavia | Multiculturalism and multiracialism. |
February 19, 2001 | National Review | The Case for Racial Profiling | A modern shibboleth. |
March 7, 2001 | NRO | Senator Byrd's N-Word | Congress hit by Elderly Tourette's Syndrome. |
February 13, 2001 | NRO | Begging Your Pardon | Back online after two months. |
February 9, 2001 | NRO | Racial Profiling: A Rejoinder to Roger Clegg |
My half of a web exchange. |
February 6, 2001 | NRO | Mister. Bill. O. Reilly | The man behind the Factor. |
January 5, 2001 | NRO | Race on Wall Street | Cost of doing business. |
2000 | |||
December 21, 2000 | NRO | Silent Night | My system has crashed. |
November 20, 2000 | National Review | The End of the Ectomorph | What happened to the skinny male? |
November 2, 2000 | NRO | Son of Ten More Things | Review of readers' reactions to "Ten More Things …" |
October 31, 2000 | NRO | Ten More Things You Can't Say In America |
Some additions to Larry Elder's Ten Things You Can't Say In America. |
October 26, 2000 | NRO | Cha-a-arge! | On being a Yankee fan. |
October 9, 2000 | National Review | First Amendment First | It's the culture. |
September 28, 2000 | NRO | Rethinking the Olympics | Does the Olympics have any point? Maybe. |
September 26, 2000 | NRO | Aux Armes, Citoyens! | I attend a gun rally. |
September 9, 2000 | NRO | Shot Through the Heart | Me and my handgun. |
August 28, 2000 | National Review | The Future of English | Of the English language, that is. |
August 21, 2000 | NRO | Is Antisemitism Dead? | I don't think so. |
August 10, 2000 | NRO | She Was Just Someone | Execution of a low-IQ murderer in Texas. |
August 8, 2000 | NRO | Boomer Dilemmas | How perfectly tasteless. |
July 18, 2000 | NRO | Madam, You Are a Parallelogram | Hillary's ethnic slur. |
July 17, 2000 | National Review | The Longest, Awfullest Game | Soccer, of course. |
July 1, 2000 | NRO | Airing It Out | I jump out of a plane. |
June 19, 2000 | NRO | Stand There and Enjoy It | Attacks on women in Central Park. |
June 19, 2000 | National Review | Store of Stores | A hymn to the Big Orange. |
June 13, 2000 | NRO | Conservative Writer Seduced by Gays |
I visit the meat-packing district. |
April 17, 2000 | National Review | Dr. Laura Non Grata | Dr. Laura Schlessinger's clash with the homosexual lobbies. |
April 3, 2000 | NRO | The Ph.D. With the Lamp | Nursing, then and now. |
January 17, 2000 | The Weekly Standard | The Onomastic Cringe | Who the hell are the Roma? |
1998-1999 | |||
August 24, 1999 | The New York Times | A Library That's All Too Free | NY Public Library should charge fees. |
April 19, 1999 | National Review | The Anxious Class | Revolutions in our private lives, financial and sexual. |
March 22, 1999 | National Review | The Vital Middle | In praise of suburbia. |
October 26, 1998 | National Review | Shall We Dance? | I discover ballroom dancing. |